The Australian community has witnessed a hostage situation take place in Martin Place, Sydney. Events are unfolding rapidly and a full account of what is occurring will take some time to emerge.
What is clear is that this event is drawing on the wide range and skills of Australia’s national security and law enforcement authorities, which are among the best-trained and capable in the world. They are working effectively to secure the safety of the hostages, and to bring the perpetrators to book.
In the meantime, we should not engage in speculation. We need to trust the preparedness, experience and professionalism of our authorities. This is what they are prepared for, it is their job.
Critically, in protecting the security of the Australian community, security advisors, security policy makers and those who execute security policy – the Security Profession – will be watching the unfolding events with keen interest.
On behalf of the Security Profession, we advise the public to be disciplined and respectful, to base conclusions and action only on evidence, to work to understand their security environment, and into the future to draw as necessary upon the advice of the Profession in relation to planning for and responding to such events.
For information about the Security Profession, visit http://www.securityprofessionals.org.au/. and http://www.spr-a.com/