Hills has implemented a comprehensive COVID-19 plan and assembled a team to continually monitor, review and manage the company’s response on a daily basis. The following statement has been released by David Lenz CEO & Managing Director:
Maintaining business continuity and service delivery
We have in place business continuity plans and are confident we are well prepared for a range of scenarios and have mechanisms in place should our employees be required to work from home for an extended period. Hills has supported flexible work arrangements for some time now, so we are already well positioned to support working from home.
Obviously as a direct to trade business, we do still need to keep branches and distribution warehouses operational. To minimise any disruptions we are taking the following steps;
- Ensuring each branch has the appropriate communication in place for staff and customers
- Ensuring each site is focused on following all cleaning and hygiene polices and procedures for COVID-19
- Moving stock of our most popular items to key offices in each state to lessen the likelihood of a supply chain breakdown occurring from a single point of failure
- Proactively monitoring stock and are working closely with our suppliers to ensure we have the stock we need to continue to service our customers in this time
Ensuring the health and safety of our employees
While business continuity is important, the health and safety of employees and customers remains our top priority so we will not hesitate to take steps to limit exposure should a case of COVID-19 be identified. At this time, Hills has not had any employees test positive for the virus, but we are closely monitoring our whole business to ensure we take the appropriate action should that situation occur.
COVID-19 has presented us all with much uncertainty but rest assured Hills has taken all appropriate steps to keep you supplied and, most importantly safe.
We are committed to business continuity as long as it is safe. Please, if you feel unwell or have any reason to suspect you have come in contact with someone who is infected with COVD-19, do not visit a branch.
We thank you for your support as we all navigate this difficult time.
David Lenz CEO & Managing Director