Successful Proof of Concept with Defence Sector Customer
Fujitsu has announced the market readiness of its Internet of Things (IoT) Edgeware(TM) management platform for Australia and New Zealand. Edgeware provides the link between automated identification technology and enterprise applications and is particularly suited for reducing time to get to the job, increasing inventory accuracy, verification of all gear before leaving a site, location of gear for pro-active maintenance or the protection and security of critical mission equipment, better real time asset management and tracking, , security of goods or improvements in workforce productivity.
With the completion of training for its local team of expert architects, developers and industry consultants; a successful Proof of Concept with a Defence sector pilot customer; plus the experience of more than 50+ successful worldwide deployments, Fujitsu is now introducing its game-changing Edgeware platform to this region.
The Edgeware platform provides the link between automated identification technology and enterprise applications. It allows organisations to build a hardware-independent platform with multiple connected sensors, readers, devices, handhelds, networks and other sensors that integrate with rich data from corporate systems. Edgeware also translates raw tag data from fixed or mobile devices into relevant business contexts (intelligence) that can transact activity and automatically integrate to back-end systems, without the need to change enterprise or supply chain systems.
Fujitsu Edgeware is a robust, proven middleware platform that is agnostic to devices, sensors and IT enterprise systems. It comprises a software development kit, workflow components and tools, including a visual emulator for rapid applications development and deployment. Edgeware provides high impact, rapid ROI and short-term payback for organisations in operational areas, particularly those in highly regulated industries or with complex supply chains.
Edgeware is the critical layer for connecting the world of sensors, assets, devices, networks and enterprise systems. The automation of ‘edge’ processes turns real-time events and raw data into meaningful and valuable information to assist in complex decision making. The platform provides the ability to scale quickly and easily. Companies can start with one user case (for example: chain of custody or inventory tracking) and then when ready, deploy multiple user cases and then move to a full IoT platform with real-time analytic capability.
Mike Foster, Chief Executive Officer of Fujitsu Australia and New Zealand, said: “Having completed the initial investment in our Edgeware capability, we can now position the new platform’s first customers as leaders in leveraging the IoT space. This is for organisations in highly disruptive or competitive markets that are looking to the latest in technological advances to add differentiated value to their operations.”
About Fujitsu EdgewareTM
Worldwide, Fujitsu has successfully deployed more than 50 Edgeware solutions to streamline business processes such as inventory and warehouse management, safety and compliance, supplier management, real-time location as well as asset management and tracking. These deployments have been for customers in industries as diverse as defence, retail, aviation, supply logistics, manufacturing and Hazmat.
With IoT and Big Data creating huge growth potential to the global economy, the number of Internet-connected devices is forecast to grow to 50 billion by 2020. With its Edgeware capability, Fujitsu is now positioned to address the business challenges that will arise from this trend.