In a first for Australia, the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) has confirmed that the ROKAF Black Eagles Aerobatic Team will perform as part of the weekend public airshow program at the Australian International Airshow and Aerospace & Defence Exposition (AVALON 2023).
The eight-aircraft Black Eagles team has wowed audiences at recent airshows across Asia, Europe and the United Kingdom, winning both the prestigious King Hussein Memorial Sword and the Friends of RIAT (FRIAT) “As the Crow Flies” display awards at this year’s Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT 2022) in England.
But this will be the first time either the team or its supersonic Korea Aerospace Industries KAI T-50B Golden Eagle jet aircraft have ever displayed in Australia.
The team’s eight distinctive black, white and yellow aircraft are modified versions of the Korea Aircraft Industries T-50 supersonic light trainer and attack aircraft already in service with the ROKAF, with the addition of a highly visible display livery, onboard camera system and display smoke generating equipment.
Their signature move is the “Taegeuk”, in which the team creates the Republic of Korea flag with display smoke.
Through its precision formation aerobatics, the team demonstrates the skill and professionalism of the Republic of Korea Air Force and the equipment it operates, providing a window to the public and promoting ROKAF recruitment. It maintains an air display tradition which began in 1953, with a four-aircraft display team flying F-51 Mustang aircraft.
Justin Giddings, CEO of AVALON 2023 organiser AMDA Foundation, said the Black Eagles are an exciting addition to the program, with announcements of more new first-time participants and aircraft to follow in the coming weeks.
“The AVALON 2023 team is honoured and excited that the first Black Eagles display ever seen in Australia will be at our event,” he said. “This team is well known internationally for its professional display performance and distinctive aircraft that have not been seen in Australia before. The Black Eagles will add a new level of interest and spectacle for aviation enthusiasts at AVALON 2023.
“AVALON 2023 is all about presenting new and exciting displays and aircraft across the spectrum of aviation, from Australia and around the world,” he said. “There will be more announcements in the coming weeks about new aircraft, displays and teams, some of which will be performing in Australia for the first time at AVALON 2023.”
The Republic of Korea Air Force visited Australia to train as part of Exercise Pitch Black in 2022, and Group Captain David Glasson, the Royal Australian Air Force’s Director of Displays for the Airshow is excited to see them return.
“It’s fantastic to see the Republic of Korea Air Force visiting the Airshow for the first time, and we’re excited to see what we know will be a very professional display from their Black Eagles team” he said.