Exercises using SWORD simulation system help decision makers deploy realistic crisis scenarii to validate their disaster risk reduction plans and get better prepared before the next crisis.
Paris, March 27, 2013 — MASA Group (“MASA”), a leading developer of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based Modeling & Simulation (M&S) software for the defense, emergency preparedness, healthcare, serious games and game development markets, announces that it will showcase its MASA SWORD constructive simulation for efficient training, analysis and decision support during GSA 2013 (April 2-4, 2013 in Singapore – French Pavilion, booth#1110).
GSA (Global Security Asia) is Asia Pacific’s premier security, civil defense and counter terrorism event. In 2012, GSA welcomed official delegations from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam
SWORD is a COTS (Commercially-available Off The Shelf) automated, aggregated, constructive simulation software designed to help users develop and deploy advanced and highly realistic scenarios, in particular for the training of decision-makers in command posts and crisis centers, and for the analysis of military doctrines and emergency procedures. SWORD can be deployed via distant servers in the Cloud and now supports right-to-left translations.
“Owing to the human impact of natural catastrophes and of man-made hazards, the military and the public safety authorities in the APAC countries are expressing growing needs of preparation and training for Operations Other Than War (OOTW), tactical and logistics missions, and protection of civilian populations,” Enrico Raue, New Markets & Sales Manager at MASA Group, declared. “As clearly demonstrated at GSA this year, MASA’s constructive simulation software SWORD is a powerful and cost-effective tool to help decision makers in the region stay better prepared and move more quickly towards a safer tomorrow.”
MASA will be accompanied on its booth at GSA by Asia Technical Services Pte Ltd (ATS), a Singapore-based consultancy specialized in the defense and emergency preparedness markets in the APAC region, and by Hong Wei Global Pte Ltd (HWG), a regional value-added reseller of advanced visualization and simulation technology products.
To meet with MASA at GSA 2013, please contact Enrico Raue, New Markets & Sales Manager, MASA Group, enrico.raue@masagroup.net.
About MASA Group (www.masagroup.net)
MASA Group (“MASA”) is a global company focused on the development of Artificial Intelligence-based Modeling & Simulation (M&S) software for the defense, emergency preparedness, healthcare, serious games and game development markets. A trusted developer of cutting-edge AI technology for over fifteen years, MASA has founded its success on products that combine scalability, adaptability and low cost of ownership, with a strong standards-driven approach to technology. MASA Group is headquartered in France with offices in the USA and in Germany, and a worldwide network of value added resellers.
The MASA product range, including MASA SWORD and MASA LIFE is uniquely designed to simplify and optimize the implementation of Artificial Intelligence capabilities for automating and driving simulated behaviors. Such capabilities allow developers and end-users in various sectors to focus their efforts on enabling a series of cost-efficient and highly realistic applications – such as command staff training, crisis management preparedness, exercise preparation, after-action review, doctrine & equipment analysis, and corporate training. MASA products are already being used by leading organizations worldwide.