ASIS International is excited to announce the opening of call for presentations for the 6th Asia-Pacific Security Forum & Exhibition, which will be held in Hong Kong from 3 – 5 December 2012.
This highly anticipated event will commence on Monday 3 December with the Presidents’ Reception, followed by 2 days of 33 high-level educational sessions, which will focus on current and emerging security threats, best practices, and other issues facing professionals responsible for securing their organizations’ people, property, and data in today’s challenging global environment.
Abstracts on all security topics are welcome and of particular interest are: supply chain, security, loss prevention, hotel security, intellectual property, maritime piracy, terrorism, executive protection, internal theft and fraud, competitive intelligence, brand protection, physical security, cyber security, investigations, due diligence and global business issues.
Aside from the 2 day educational sessions, the 6th Annual Asia-Pacific Security Forum and Security will also include: An exhibition area featuring the latest security technologies and services Sessions on certification, convergence and standards The CSO Roundtable of ASIS International Dedicated networking opportunities with 300 Senior Security Managers over coffee and lunch breaks as well as during the evening social functions.
Abstracts for presentations can be submitted online at www.asisonline.org/hk. Presentation slots are 50 minutes each and should include time for Q&A. Only English-language presentations will be accepted. The deadline for submissions is 5 April 2012. An individual may submit a maximum of two proposals as the only or primary presenter per conference. Please visit the conference website for full submission guidelines.
Vendors who are looking for opportunities to showcase their goods and services in front of 300 senior security managers and Chief Security Officers should contact ASIS International Asia-Pacific Bureau on +61 2 8211 2712 or atang@amsaonline.com.au or visit the website for more information.
The CSO Roundtable of ASIS International, the invitation and members-only forum of senior executives from the world’s largest organizations, will run sessions in parallel with the main ASIS educational programme. The CSO Roundtable track will be tailored to the specific needs of the most senior security executives covering a range of business and risk issues specific to the Asia-Pacific region.
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Press Contact: Aileen Tang
ASIS International Asia-Pacific Bureau
Email: atang@amsaonline.com.au
Tel: +61 2 8211 2712, Fax: +61 2 8211 0555