Blue Line: AFP response to ABC 7.30


Release Date: Wednesday, May 29 2013, 12:18 AM

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) would like to respond to an ABC 7.30 report that aired on Tuesday, 28 May 2013.

The issues raised in the report partially relate to an ongoing workplace dispute between the AFP and Mr Thomson. This dispute is currently the subject of legal action in the Federal Court of Australia, so it would not be appropriate to discuss the nature of this dispute in further detail.

However, the AFP stands by its decision to redeploy specialist resources from Christmas Island in November 2010. This decision was made for sound operational reasons. It was made based on intelligence, conditions on Christmas Island, operational experience and consideration of other operational requirements.

The AFP takes the safety of individuals on Christmas Island, whether in the community or in detention, very seriously. The AFP rejects any assertions that it would make a decision for any reason without consideration for the safety and security of its staff and the community.

The AFP stands by the evidence provided by a number of officers to the Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on the Australian Immigration Detention Network, including the use of the specialist operations response team.

The AFP takes the allegations aired on ABC 7.30 seriously.

AFP Commissioner Tony Negus has requested that these new allegations be referred to the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI) to ensure full transparency in relation to this matter.


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