Any business or government must have security before it can have productivity. Google’s Chief Economist was quoted to say recently that if we don’t have a productivity boost from technology we’re in real trouble. A few days later, Google announced “We have taken action to protect users against an email impersonating Google Docs, and have disabled offending accounts. We’ve removed the fake pages, pushed updates through Safe Browsing, and our abuse team is working to prevent this kind of spoofing from happening again.” Not even the biggest company in the world is immune to the security problem every business and government is now facing.
Many are relying on the fourth industrial revolution to enter into the build out phase and generate new market opportunity and economic growth. However, technology productivity will fundamentally rely on a ‘security and safety’ platform. And although it’s occurring in pockets, the indicators globally and across the Asia Pacific suggests the road to the Internet of Things is going to be a long, rocky one – indeed, people are already being murdered, live, online.
In this issue, IoT & Technology Correspondent Morry Morgan reports on the three security columns for the Internet of Things. Risk Analytics is expected to become a US$26.32 billion market by 2020. Risk is big business, and the IoT phenomenon is likely to drive this industry well above those lofty predictions. Part of the reason is in the IoT’s rapid growth, estimated by McKinsey at 32.6% CAGR. The other is the lackluster attitude that many manufacturers of connected devices and IoT enabled products have towards security. And that’s because to date, there is no legal liability for manufactures to secure their products…Click HERE to read full article.